
Monday, January 26, 2009

Mock Trial

The Judge Memorial Mock Trial team still has their eyes on the State Championship. Their first match is coming up against West High School. Competitions begin on March 7th. For those of you who aren't really sure what Mock Trial is, the team is given a case to argue a case before a judge and a jury. "The team has to be able to represent both sides of the trial," Mr. Holder says. With Tom Luchs and Jimin Brelsford chosen for the team leaders because they are the "most responsible and dedicated," according to a fellow team member, they're sure to be focused the state championship, which they have won the past five years. Let's make the sixth championship just as good as the past five!
If you want to know more about Mock Trial, they have team meetings after school on Mondays at 3 PM in room 104 and also on Thursdays from 5 to 7.

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