
Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Interview with JM Athletic Director

We all know that our football team is the number one ranked team in 3A, but do we know who is behind the football team? Dan Del Porto is the athletics director, not to mention also the activities director. Mr. Delporto is responsible for all athletic programs here at Judge Memorial, assisted by Mattie Reed. I recently talked to him, and he had this to say: "All of the sports are doing really well this year." Dan went on about different sports, including cross country, we have the number one cross country runner in the nation Luke Puskedra. And of course, he mentioned the girls soccer teams. Last, but certainly not least, football, who have been ranked in the top five all year and are currently 6-1. Let's hope they keep it up to Rice Eccles Stadium. So, all in all, the athletic director, Dan Del Porto tells us that things are going great.

-by Mary Morgan

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